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ATENCIÓN Los precios estan expresados en PESOS tomando el tipo de cambio vendedor billete Banco Nación. El monto final de la presente cotización se ajustará al dolar oficial al momento de la acreditación del pago. La cotización de dolar de: $994.00.

inci name : CAPRYLIC/CAPRIC/SUCCINIC TRIGLYCERIDE es un producto apto Cosmetica Natural . para reemplazar las siliconas de viscosidad pesada MIGLYOL 829 ECO is a low spreading emollient with a density close to that of water. With a medium polarity and its medium viscous appearance (220 – 300 mPas at 20 grados C). it is ideal for luxurious formulations with a rich but non-sticky feeling. It is a 100% natural. vegan. halal. kosher and RSPO MB quality and produced exclusively in Germany. Due to its high density of 1.00 – 1.02 g/cmü. MIGLYOL 829 ECO promotes stability in emulsions by counteracting the tendency of phase separation caused by the different specific density of the water and oil phases. It is a glycerin ester of caprylic and capric acid. combined with natural succinic acid. MIGLYOL 829 ECO is a clear. slightly yellow liquid oil with a neutral odor and taste. It is very stable against oxidation and stays liquid at 0 grados C. APPLICATION Looking for an all-rounder with fascinating properties? Try our MIGLYOL 829 ECO! This low spreading emollient creates a rich. smooth and velvety feeling without being greasy or over the top. Its enlarged structure (several caprylic/capric glyceride molecules linked by natural succinic acid bridges) ensures longer playtime in contrast to caprylic/capric triglyceride (WITARIX MCT) Recommended concentration of MIGLYOL 829 ECO: 1 – 30% Applicable for cold/cold or hot/hot processes Add MIGLYOL 829 ECO to the oil phase Recommended pH value: pH 4.5 – 7.5 For stable two-phase formulations with free-floating oil droplets. add our emollient to the thickened water phase and stir slightly


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