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Cafeina y Vitamina E (Tocoferol) ECOCERT/COSMOS CODE: ECOLIP-5 INCI name: WATER (AQUA) (AND) PHOSPHOLIPIDS (from soybean lecithin) (AND) ALCOHOL (AND) CAMELLIA SINENSIS LEAF EXTRACT (AND) SODIUM BENZOATE (AND) POTASSIUM PHOSPHATE (AND) TOCOPHEROL tamano de particulas: 100 – 300 nm (Dynamic Laser Scattering – DLS sugerencias de uso: 1- 10 % ECOLIP-5 consists of liposomes (natural delivery systems) made from soybean phospholipids. which encapsulate and transport natural Caffeine (Thein MM) to the target cells. This ECOCERT certified Caffeine derives from Camellia sinensis (tea) leaves. Caffeine. found in coffee berries (coffea arabica and coffea robusta). tea leaves (camellia sinensis). mate leaves (ilex paraguayensis) and guarana berries (paullinia cupana). among other plants. is the most widely established natural lipolytic chemical. and also enhances blood circulation (caffeine enhances the lipolytic process and boosts circulation via phosphodiesterase and adenosine inhibition on fat cells and blood vessels). This alkaloid stimulates the degradation of fats during lipolysis through inhibition of the phosphodiesterase activity. Caffeine has potent antioxidant properties. Moreover. caffeine contained in cosmetics increases the microcirculation of blood in the skin and also stimulates the growth of hair through inhibition of the 5-a- reductase activity. Caffeine is an anti-adipogenic bioactive compound involved in the modulation of mitotic clonal expansion during adipocyte differentiation through the AKT/GSK3 pathway


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