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Resveratrol y Vitamina E (Tocoferol) ECOCERT/COSMOS CODE: ECOLIP-9 INCI name: WATER (AQUA) (AND) ALCOHOL (AND) HYDROGENATED LECITHIN (AND) RESVERATROL (AND) TOCOPHEROL (AND) SORBITAN CAPRYLATE (AND) PROPANEDIOL (AND) BENZOIC ACID sugerencias de uso: 1 – 10 % tamano de particulas : 10 – 600 nm (Dynamic Laser Scattering – DLS)- ECOLIP-9 consists of liposomes (natural delivery systems) made from vegetable phospholipids. which encapsulate and transport Resveratrol to the target cells. Resveratrol. an antioxidant polyphenol from red wine. has been the subject of intense interest in recent years due to a range of unique anti- aging properties. Resveratrol (3.5.4 -trihydroxystilbene) is a naturally occurring molecule found in high concentrations in many red wines and is a member of a family of compounds known as wine polyphenols. which also includes flavonoids. Other sources of resveratrol include some colored berries and the nonedible parts of the peanut plant. as well as dark chocolate. Resveratrol has been reported to be a strong inhibitor of NADPH- and adenosine 5 -diphosphate (ADP)-Fe+-lipid peroxidation and ultraviolet (UV) light-induced lipid peroxidation. and an efficient scavenger of 2.2 – azobis-(2-amidinopropane)-dihydrochloride peroxyl radicals. Resveratrol can form soluble. complex molecules with certain metal ions. inactivating them so they cannot produce free radical formation Resveratrol has an affinity for the estrogen protein receptors (both ERa and ERá). thereby contributing to the stimulation of collagen types BENEFITS Extremely effective in combating the damaging effect of free radicals that leads to skin aging Proficient at preventing lipid peroxidation Stimulates collagen production Protects against damage caused by ultraviolet radiation Powerful anti-inflammatory Stimulates healthy cell proliferation Improves the overall appearance of skin


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