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ATENCIÓN Los precios estan expresados en PESOS tomando el tipo de cambio vendedor billete Banco Nación. El monto final de la presente cotización se ajustará al dolar oficial al momento de la acreditación del pago. La cotización de dolar de: $1068.00.

Producto utilizado apto Cosmetica Natural . en reemplazo a los petrolatos semisolido pero de sensacion muy liviana para el rostro inci name : GLYCERYL CAPRYLATE DESCRIPTION SOFTISAN 378 is a specialty blend of triglycerides based on saturated C8 – C18 fatty acids and glycerol. Fatty acids and glycerol are based on vegetable sources. It is free from antioxidants and other stabilizing additives. APPLICATION SOFTISAN 378 is used as a non-oxidizing fat base in the pharmaceutical industry. It is particularly suitable for processing in high-quality dermal preparations because the skin is provided with a similar triglyceride mixture that is not tacky and. unlike paraffins. does not leave a greasy shine. SOFTISAN 378 allows for rapid melting of the product on the skin. and incorporated active ingredients are therefore quickly released. In addition SOFTISAN 378 has absorption-promoting properties and behaves in a neutral manner towards active substances. SOFTISAN 378 is also suitable as a carrier of active ingredients in hard and soft gelatine capsules. SOFTISAN 378 can be easily incorporated. either in molten or cold state. in ointments. creams. lotions and pastes. Owing to its purely vegetable origin and its mode of production. SOFTISAN 378 is free of any skin-irritating substances such as toxic heavy metals. catalysts. solvents. antioxidants and other stabilizers. SOFTISAN 378 is a white to ivory-coloured solid mass with a consistency similar to pork lard. It is characterized by a neutral fatty odour and a mild fatty taste. It provides a superior oxidation stability and product uniformity. Therefore SOFTISAN 378 exhibits a long shelf life without a risk of rancidity Solubility SOFTISAN 378 is readily soluble in diethylether. toluene and n-hexane, soluble in acetone and ethanol when heated. It is insoluble in water and miscible with fats and oils. SOFTISAN 378 has excellent skin compatibility and it is harmless. even when ingested orally (edible fat). It spreads well on the skin and penetrates easily. It does not inhibit natural skin respiration and has an absorption-promoting effect.


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